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Image by Jake Charles

We all want to be known and deeply respected.  That is how God designed us.  Over the years, people have commented on how our family asks great questions, so we've compiled a question for every day of the year.  Some are deeper than others, but they're meant to explore the people you care about and let them know you're interested in an ongoing discovery


Darlene still thinks we should turn these into an app :-)

Creating an environment that welcomes intimate communication is extremely important, as these questions intentionally create vulnerability.

Image by Meiying Ng
Playing For Keeps or Just Playing?

Darlene is working on this 2nd Edition of this booklet for teens and new adults on sexual integrity. She hopes to have it completed by summer of 2021.

Not Yet Available

Darlene's a bit of a resource and research nerd.  These are some of our favourites (not all faith-based). You'll find podcasts, videos, and books for topics including: brain chemistry of attachment, puberty talks, talking about pornography, interviewing your daughter's date, online safety and child abuse prevention.  

If you have any favourite resources, you'd like to share, please connect with us.


Background Potential (1).png

The most common concern we've heard over the years from parents is..."I don't know how to get the ball rolling with my child.  And then, how do I keep it going?"

Image by Wright Brand Bacon
Kim's Book

Kim's Book should be coming out this summer!

Not Yet available
Image by Erik Mclean
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